My first master’s degree (MS) was research on “Small Agriculture: An Approach to Solve the World Food Deficit”. It was successfully operated in a dozen countries in Latin and South America and the Caribbean. Technology has steadily increased in the agricultural industry and there have been great strides in fertilizers, minimization of water use, and conservation of agricultural resources during…
I have said it before and will say it again; survival training is much more than considering a go bag. You need to think more strategically. Do you know how far your great grandparents were from their food sources in the early 1900s? They were generally within 15 miles, perhaps a little more. A food source is considered the different…
One of our CIVARA Academy students asked me to write about on guerilla warfare, which I was taught the beginning stages when I was five years old and which I have continued learning and have taught to others often, including paramilitary and military organizations in South America, as well as private courses. Why would we want to know about this…
I am a firm believer in go-bags, survival skills of all kinds, security, and other preparedness needs. The climate in the U.S. in terms of future outlook, violence, security, politics, and especially long-term survival has changed rapidly these past few months and will continue to change. The cumulative effects of the Covid-19 virus, which is no different than a common…
What is YOUR OPINION on global food trends and PRODUCTION? – From Noori R. of Tehran, Iran. The world population took 102 years (1825 to 1927) to reach 2 billion, in 1960 we reached 3 billion (in only 33 years) and we added consecutive billions in 1974, 1987, 1999. In 2011 the global population reached 7 billion. Almost all of…
In 1859, a huge geomagnetic storm called the Carrington Event, struck Earth. It took down telegraph machines and melted some telegraph wires, a few almost ½ inch in diameter. Solar storms are a huge source of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) generation. Solar storms are potentially always a threat and recent research shows one of the first maps of areas in the…
I remember when you worked with us in the Middle-East Peace Process. There is currently a discussion among us that water scarcity has not and does not cause armed conflict. I say yes based on our discussions in our MEPP meetings. What is your expert opinion? Question from Mr. Momani, Amman, Jordan. Yes, water has and continues to cause armed…
“What could we do if suddenly we were confronted with the prospect of no power, not for a few hours, but perhaps days, weeks, or longer?” The large critical systems that sustain life, known as critical infrastructure (power, water, telecommunications, food and agriculture, transportation, etc.) are reaching the end of their respective life cycles, which makes them very vulnerable to…